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Taking a Look at the NFL Bye Week Structure

By: 89 Octane Today’s tidbit is regarding a topic that most people may overlook but I think it creates a huge fairness issue in the NFL.  That issue my friends is the bye week structure.  Currently, teams this year have their bye week between weeks 4 and 11 of the regular season.  I could not … Continue reading

“Vincent Picks” – The Best of WordPress

By: Cotton Honeycutt A brief explanation of the title “Vincent Picks” – you may recall the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine goes to the video rental store and regularly selects “Vincent picks” made by the video store staffer, Vincent.  Of course, Vincent’s picks never disappoint.  Kramer, finding “Vincent picks” to be too artsy, convinces Elaine on … Continue reading

A Follow-Up Open Letter to Emmett C. Burns

By:  Cotton Honeycutt Brendon Ayanbadejo has long supported gay marriage.  He recently donated two Ravens’ tickets to a fundraiser held by the Marylanders for Marriage Equality.  In response, Maryland State Delegate and, 72-year-old, Emmett C. Burns, Jr., wrote a brief letter to Baltimore Ravens owner, Steve Bisciotti, demanding that the Ravens “inhibit such expressions”.  Ayanbadejo provided comments on that … Continue reading

How to Fix “The Challenge”

By: 89 Octane I have to admit that I am obsessed with the Real World/Road Rules Challenge.  I think it is the greatest reality TV show in history.  I have been watching it so long that I still call it the Real World/Road Rules Challenge even though I think Road Rules was cancelled back in … Continue reading

Grading Our 2012 Fantasy Football Draft

By: 89 Octane and Cotton Honeycutt Our fantasy league recently finished our draft.  Our annual live draft takes place at one of the local watering holes in our rotating lineup of establishments.  We have a 12 team league and somehow what used to take about three hours now gets wrapped up in about an hour and a half.  As always, it was … Continue reading

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