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“Vincent Picks” – The Best of WordPress

By: 89 Octane A brief explanation of the title “Vincent Picks” – you may recall the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine goes to the video rental store and regularly selects “Vincent picks” made by the video store staffer, Vincent.  Of course, Vincent’s picks never disappoint.  Kramer, finding “Vincent picks” to be too artsy, convinces Elaine … Continue reading

Breaking Down The 2012 Phillies

By: 89 Octane The Phillies have just finished a very disappointing season at 81-81.  Now that the season is finally over, let’s take a look back at the season and see what transpired.  Listed below are some observations and opinions about the 2012 Phillies.  As always, feel free to post your comments below. The Roy … Continue reading

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