

This category contains 5 posts

Wiki Wiki Wednesday – Uwe Boll Edition

By:  Cotton Honeycutt Ever heard of Uwe Boll? No?  Neither had I for quite some time. But take some time with me to review the fascinating history of what appears to be Hollywood’s most incompetent, yet continuously employable director. As of the date of this article, Boll has directed twenty-nine movies from 1992 to 2013. … Continue reading

Why I Found “Flight” To Be Incredibly Disappointing (Warning: Spoilers)

By: Cotton Honeycutt So it’s been a few months since I’ve seen Flight in the theaters. But now that it is available On Demand and DVD, my frustrations with this movie have resurfaced. In my opinion, it’s never too late to vent. Let’s get my thoughts on Denzel out of the way early. Bottom line, … Continue reading

Ebert Said What?! – Roger Ebert’s take on 1983’s “The Outsiders”

By:  Cotton Honeycutt Allow us to introduce a new recurring column wherein we will be revisiting some questionable reviews from Roger Ebert’s career.  These reviews make us say, “Ebert said what?!”  Hence, our appropriately titled column.  The mass majority of the movies on IMDB contain links to Ebert’s original review of the film.  They add another level of … Continue reading

“Vincent Picks” – The Best of WordPress

By: 89 Octane A brief explanation of the title “Vincent Picks” – you may recall the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine goes to the video rental store and regularly selects “Vincent picks” made by the video store staffer, Vincent.  Of course, Vincent’s picks never disappoint.  Kramer, finding “Vincent picks” to be too artsy, convinces Elaine … Continue reading

“Vincent Picks” – The Best of WordPress

By: Cotton Honeycutt A brief explanation of the title “Vincent Picks” – you may recall the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine goes to the video rental store and regularly selects “Vincent picks” made by the video store staffer, Vincent.  Of course, Vincent’s picks never disappoint.  Kramer, finding “Vincent picks” to be too artsy, convinces Elaine on … Continue reading

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