

This category contains 2 posts

Reader Question: Is Mumford and Sons This Generation’s Dave Matthews Band?

By: Cotton Honeycutt An old college friend, and Beltless Trenchcoat reader, posed the following inquiry to me the other day: Do I think Mumford and Sons is this generation’s Dave Matthews Band? Interesting question, and I can see what would lead to such a question, but my answer is no. And here’s why. I like … Continue reading

November 14, 2017 – Avril Lavigne To World: “I Didn’t Break Up Nickelback!”

By:  Future Cotton Honeycutt We all saw this coming from day one.  No matter how hard we try to prevent it, history always repeats itself.  First, it was Yoko Ono and The Beatles.  Next, it was Courtney Love and Nirvana.  So when the announcement was made five years ago that Chad Kroeger was engaged to … Continue reading

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